Tuesday 15 December 2009

Ausländer in Deutschland.

So it was time for a second hop into Europe. Candice had no idea where we were going to go for Christmas shopping until we arrived at the check in desk. I chose Frankfurt as it reportedly had a pretty nice and quaint Christmas village and also due to the fact that one of Candice's old friends from Calgary would also be there with her husband.

We got a very early flight with the taxi arriving ar circa 5AM. I think Candice woke up at around 7AM and we were both upset that the aircraft didn't have to circle Frankfurt for longer. Finally on the ground, we managed to find our way to our hotel and I was shocked to find a Deloitte conference being held in the very same hotel. Apologies again Candice, I had absolutely no idea!

The Christmas village was lovely and the wursts even better. I think a flight back to Germany is on the cards, but next time it will have to be Berlin, my favourite city in the land. The night in Frankfurt was finished in style with a pool and sauna situated on the floor above ours. Happy days. Back to London the day after and to the relentless grind of everyday work. Some pictures are included below. Enjoy.


  1. Hey this looks like exactly what you need to get you into the christmas spirit. Hope you are doing well. When are you back from UTAH, it would be great to catch up. B x

  2. Just linked to you. Merry Christmas. B x
